RC Garage novice

Meet Clubs, Teams, Federations, Organization News feeds and Custom Rankings of all kinds!3 leti nazaj

Before New Year hits the door, we decided to release an update, which we have been working on for quite a long time. We started to work on the basic set of features in April last year to be precise, when we announced a Racing Team profile page for the first time. And for RCGarageTiming users it has always been possible to indicate the Club along with the Team in driver signup forms. In addition, an event host has always been assigned to each competition as part of the RC community.

All such terms as Club, Team, Host were always in front of our eyes, but they always raised more questions from users than they gave answers. For example: What racer is in which club? Is there an RC club in my country/city? Who will compete for which team? What competitions has any particular host hold?

Today's update not only provides answers to these and similar questions, but gives users the opportunity to participate in the RC-community growing process and unites them into one whole! Yes, now each user can create his own Team or Club and invite his friends there, as well as join the ones created by others. This will allow you to keep abreast of the events that are happening with the Team or in the Club, monitor driver rankings of each individual organization, and also personally influence the development of the latter!

In addition to the concepts already described earlier, we are introducing for the first time yet another type of organization - a Federation. A distinctive feature of this type of organization is that it can act as an additional host (or several of them) of the competition event. Examples of such federations can be: Regional, State, City/Local or National federations, as well as other arbitrary user options. One of the possibilities that this type of organization opens up is the ability to analyze information about the history of RC sports from different angles, for example, to analyze the specific regional or national rankings.

Of course, we will talk more about the features of this update in the near future, but at the end of this short review we'd like to introduce a personalized news feed for each kind of organization! Imagine all your event announcements, race reports, practice session openers, new member greetings and a lot more all found on the club's or team's page and all automatically generated so you no longer need to deal with boring manual stuff anymore? If it sounds good then you should try it how it works right now.

Checkout screenshots below with some new features displayed and find out more for yourself here on Organizations page

In future articles, we'll go into more detail on each aspect of the current update, so stay tuned and follow us on facebook or just turn on your notifications right in RCGarage!

If you found an error on the page or within any other information please tell us on facebook page or via feedback form here.

P.S. A small spoiler: by the New Year we will release another update, which will open up new opportunities for club members and teams so hurry up and make your own or join others!

Vse novice