RC Garage novice

Competitions section update7 leta nazaj

Here is another one update of RCGarage that is related to the Integrated Lap Timing System.

There is a significant interface change has been made to Competitions section. It's a lot easier to watch on the competitions and make an analysis of the results.

Here is the list of features has been made within this update:

  1. The page of chosen Competition has now three new tabs: "Schedule", "Drivers" and "Results".
  2. There are drivers signed up for en event show on "Drivers" tab.
  3. There are online results for each competition class show on "Results" tab.
  4. Every single race round result is now available through "Results" tab. So all heats are now groupped by round in a single results table.
  5. There are driver positions show on a detailed heat resutls page.
  6. Every single results in a driver rating table is now a link to a detailed heat results page.
  7. Last but not least there are changes in different sections of RCGarage, i.e. there is Garage owner is shown in the page header along with garage name. Also there is a new feature of cloning setup sheet for a model to make history of setup changes more easier to handle.

Vse novice