Driver Ranking System explained

Basic concepts

  • Every racer and qualifying event counts towards rankings.
  • Ranking system is fully automated and the same rules apply for every class and every driver. Note: It is not possible to include or exclude someone from the rankings on demand.
  • More recent results are more valuable than the older ones.
  • Value of ranking points increase by competition numbers of an event (Larger Turnout = More Points).
  • The better average position one finishes in the more points one receives.
  • Driver gets extra points for participating in big international events (qualified events are those with drivers from 10 or more countries, for example: IFMAR Worlds, Dirt Nitro Challenge, EFRA, and such).
  • Driver gets extra points for participating in big events. Qualified events are those with 50 or more entries in a given ranked class (see screenshots below).

Some examples of how class entries are counted

This one qualifies for Nitro Buggy class as it has 75 total entries as 17+24+34 = 75 (which is > 50)

This one doesn’t qualify as a big event for any listed class because there are not enough entries for any of them (40, 45, 25 < 50).

Ranking Categories

There are two scopes for the ranking: Global and National, both calculated for each class separately.

  • Global Ranking: takes into account all races and racers World Wide.
  • National Ranking counts races within each country separately.

Here is the list of classes that ranking is calculated for

  • Buggy 2wd
  • Buggy 2wd Stock 17.5
  • Buggy 4wd
  • Buggy 4wd Stock 13.5
  • Buggy 5th 2wd
  • Buggy 5th 4wd
  • Buggy 8 Eco
  • Buggy 8 Nitro
  • E-12 Mod
  • TC-10 Mod
  • TC-10 Stock 13.5
  • TC-10 Stock 17.5
  • Truck 5th 4wd
  • Truggy Eco
  • Truggy Nitro

we are going to extend this list furthermore with user's feedback


Each new driver needs to be calibrated first in order to get the ranking by meeting the following conditions:

  • Driver needs to participate and have final results for no less than 2 races during ranking period
  • Races with less than 10 entries are not qualified for the rankings


Each driver gets a number of points based on his/her performance during the ranked period. A driver with higher points will be placed higher.
Ranking period is 3 rolling years starting from the current date and goes exactly 3 years back
Rankings are refreshed on a daily basis

Exact formula: Points = (2*R(fresh) + R(older))/3 + 2*R(international) + 0.5*R(big)), where
R(x) => (1 + MAX(x.UniqueOvercomes, 300)/300) * x.PositionWeight
x.UniqueOvercomes - Unique drivers that have been overtaken at least ones for given period,
x.PositionWeight - Position weight calculated as AVG(1 - (position - 1)/entries)

Example: Assume we have one driver finishing 1st in 2 international races (1 this year and 1 last year) with the same entry list of 100 drivers. That would be calculated as:
((2*(1 + 99/300)*(1 - 0/100) + 1*(1 + 99/300)*(1 - 0/100))/3 + 2*(1 + 99/300)*(1 - 0/100) + 0.5 * (1 + 99/300)*(1 - 0/100)) * 10000 =
((2*1.33 + 1.33)/3 + 2*1.33 + 0.5*1.33) * 10000 =
(1.33 + 2*1.33 + 0.5*1.33) * 10000 =
3.5*1.33 * 10000 = 46550