RC Garage

Ste bili že kdaj vprašani o RC modelih, ki jih imate? Ali pa ste kdaj vprašali koga po njegovih modelih?
Koliko časa bi trajalo, da bi bi odgovorili z res dobrim odgovorom? :-)

The idea behind this project was originally to make it easy for people to share information about their RC collection. It's been a long time since the first ideas were implemented, and the project has grown a lot from its original release and today it covers almost every aspect of the RC hobby from creating your own virtual garage to learning setups, participating in competitions and tracking the history of all RC events!

O avtorju

Pozdravljeni, moje ime je Fuel in ravno tako kot katerikoli drugi RC odvisnež želim, da bi ta hobi skupnost rasla in ta projekt je majhen korak k temu :-)

Glavne značilnosti

  • Creation of your own garage, specifying the parts installed on each model
  • Mileage and maintenance tracking history for each model in the garage
  • Quick access to the World's largest RC database: Products, Models, Setups, Events, Drivers, Racing Classes, Tracks, Results, Rankings!
  • The ability to share your RC collection with friends (chats, forums, social networks, etc).
  • View rankings for RC Models, Kits, Parts, Drivers, Tracks and more.
  • Access to exclusive RCGarage tools such as: Buggy Setup Wizard, Pit-Zone, Personal Practice, and RCTrack Builder!
  • Special auto-generated pages with driver profiles from all over the World with display of the driver’s career and events participation history.
  • Constantly growing RC database. See the statistics page to track its growth.

Recently implemented features

Major Features Roadmap

  • Search Tool Enhancements
    There is variety of search cases user can make through RCGarage database including search through race results, driver profiles, rc products, etc. but we are going to make it even more easy to use.
  • RC Brand Page
    In order to close the loop of all RC entities involved in RC industry we gonna make a specific type of page where all the info about RC brand will be shown.
  • RC Product Catalog
    We have this huge database of RC products (hundreds of thousands items overall) but we don't have a proper tool to search through it so we are gonna make one.

Hiter začetek

Ti videoposnetki vam bodo v pomoč pri uporabi ključnih funkcij

Dodajte model iz Garaže

Dodajte model iz iskanja

Kontakt in povratne informacije

Če imate kakršne koli predloge o tem, kako izboljšati projekt, druge povratne informacije ali vprašanja, prosimo to napišite v komentarju.

If you still have some questions unanswered or you want to contact the founder personally you can use the following email and/or phone in order to do so: